Small Veggie Garden

We love our small veggie selection for the Summer Box! These varieties are diverse for all different types of recipes. From salads, roasted veggies, or delicious salsa, these plants will provide you with great additions to your kitchen. These plant types thrive in the sun, and can last for a whole growing season with proper maintenance.

Click HERE to Download a garden layout for your small veggie garden for layout examples.

The Plants

Cherry Tomato.JPG__PID:062d7417-b2c9-4c31-ab70-6673e5aa12b0

Cherry Tomato

Plant to Harvest: 65-65 days
Space Needed: 16-24 inches

Beefsteak Tomato.JPG__PID:e3543fa0-503a-4a06-ad74-17b2c96c31eb


Plant to Harvest: 55-75 days
Space Needed: 24-36 inches

Butter Lettuce.JPG__PID:a0503a3a-062d-4417-b2c9-6c31eb706673

Green Onion

Plant to harvest: 30-60 days
Space Needed: 12-16 inches

Crunch Lettuce.JPG__PID:2d7417b2-c96c-41eb-b066-73e5aa12b09b

Poblano Pepper

Plant to Harvest: 35-65 days
Space Needed: 16-24 inches

Bell Pepper.JPG__PID:543fa050-3a3a-462d-b417-b2c96c31eb70

Baking Pumpkin

Plant to harvest: 80-100 days
Space Needed: 24-36 inches

Cucumber Slicer.JPG__PID:17b2c96c-31eb-4066-b3e5-aa12b09b088b

Pickling Cucumber

Plant to harvest: 50-60 days
Space Needed: 16-24 inches

Yellow Squash.JPG__PID:088b47f2-fd4d-47b2-95b7-f4c533315c7c

Lettuce Crisp

Plant to harvest: 40-60 days
Space it needs: 12-16 inches

Yellow Beans.JPG__PID:9b088b47-f2fd-4d87-b295-b7f4c533315c

Peruvian Pepper

Plant to harvest: 70-100 days
Space it needs: 16-24 inches

Helpful Tips & Fun Recipes