
  • Rain Forests
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  • Home Gardens

Each of these ecosystems vary in size, shape, and location. What they have in common is that they produce energy and matter that interacts with one another. In your garden, worms eat compost, create healthy soil, and plants grow stronger. When the plant eventually dies, it will again turn into compost and bring nutrients back to the soil. All of these organisms work together to thrive and continue on producing for generations. Other organisms you might find in your garden are butterflies, bacteria, bees, ladybugs, fungi, and ants.

Make Your Garden Healthier

One way to increase the overall health and longevity of your garden is by having healthy soil and we can have an influence on that by giving our garden some compost. Here's a video on how to start your own compost bin.


Make your garden healthier and thrive with some worms.

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Hope you enjoyed learning your garden's ecosystem. We'll see you in the next lesson. Happy gardening :)

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