Garden Layouts
Welcome to the Spring Box! We're so excited to start this new year of gardening with and we can't wait to see your plants grow up and produce a fantastic harvest.
When laying our you're garden you'll want to give your plants as much space as possible. This is because if one your plants became diseased of inflected with bugs you would want some space to aviod spreading. Otherwise your plants should be labled as either a small, medium, or large plant with approximate spacing sizes. If your plants are "small", like Basil, they won't need as much space between each other compared to a Tomato plant.
Be sure to read about how to setup your garden for success below. There you'll learn the essential gardening tips and tricks to get you off on the right foot. Things like soil care, watering tips, and sunlight.

Gardening can seem scary, but it's our mission to make it as easy as possible for you and your friends. Always reach out to us with any questions you may have, it never hurts to ask. If you want more gardening tips and even some recipes, sign up for our emails below. You'll get weekly tips, updates, and some delicious recipes to try as your garden is growing!