Frost Dates in Your State

In doing some research on the different frost dates for each state, we created a table that shows what month the first frost would begin and what month the frost would end. These are approximations for each state and there are micro climates that could be different in each county of that state. California, for example, can be warm and sunny near the coast but can also be snowing in the mountains. We highly recommend looking at the frost dates for your county to get specific frost dates in your immediate area but this table is a great overview of the state you're living in!

The 'x' on the table are the months when there is no frost in that state and you have the thumbs up to garden! If you were wanted to start your garden during one of the months when you are expected to have frost but have a greenhouse, you're still all set to receive your box! 


(January, February and December are not on the table because all states have frost during those months) 


** If you live in Arizona, I'm sorry there's no information, it is very sporadic in Arizona so I recommend you go by your specific county's frost dates.


Mar  April May June  July  Aug Sept Oct Nov
Alabama x x x x x x
Arkansas x x x x x x
California x x x x x x x x x
Colorado x x x x
Connecticut x x x
Delaware x x x x x x
Florida x x x x x x x x x
Georgia x x x x x
Idaho x x x x
Illinois x x x x
Indiana x x x x
Iowa x x x
Kansas x x x
Kentucky x x x x
Louisiana x x x x x x x x
Maine x x x
Maryland x x x x x x
Massachusetts x x x x
Michigan x x x x
Minnesota x x x
Mississippi x x x x x x
Missouri x x x x x x
Montana x x x x
Nebraska x x x x
Nevada x x x x
New Hampshire x x x
New Jersey x x x x x x
New Mexico x x x x
New York x x x x
North Carolina x x x x x x
North Dakota x x x x
Ohio x x x x x
Oklahoma x x x x x x
Oregon x x x
Pennsylvania x x x
Rhode Island x x x
Sourth Carolina x x x x x x
South Dakota x x x
Tennessee x x x x x
Texas x x x x x x
Utah x x x
Vermont x x x x
Virginia x x x x
Washington x x x x x
West Virginia x x x
Wisconsin x x x
Wyoming x x x