Our Mission
We do for one what we wish for all. And we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
We've personally visited families in Haiti and Honduras who have to walk hours to get water each day. The water they get isn't safe to drink and can leave them bedridden for weeks. Typically, it’s children and women who are responsible for providing water. This keeps them out of school and prevents them from gaining even basic literacy skills. As a result, the cycle of poverty is perpetuated.
Having access to clean water is often a first step in breaking the cycle of poverty. With more time available, children are able to attend school, women are able to earn income, and illnesses are reduced.
That's why we're proud to support World Vision's mission in Honduras. Each plant kit you purchase provides someone with clean water for a year. While you're growing your own veggies at home, making the world a greener place, you're also supporting someone in need in Honduras, helping them have access to one of the key elements of life.
Thank you for being part of something bigger than yourself and making a difference in the life of someone in need.

Leaf'd Box and World Vision are committed to reaching one new person every 10 seconds with clean water, so we can reach everyone, everywhere by 2030.
World Vision's Global Impact
How You're Helping Families
Get Clean Water:
For every plant kit you receive, you're providing clean water to someone in need for over one year.
Making an impact while making your home and community a greener place with the produce you're growing- that’s what we call a win-win!

People reached by World Vision with clean water each year

An independent study conducted by the University of North Carolina showed that 8 in 10 water wells installed by World Vision were still functioning at high levels after nearly two decades. In contrast, previous studies have shown that 30-50% of non-World Vision installed wells are not repaired when they inevitably break down. The reason for this high level of success is that they work with communities to ensure they own the water points and are able to fix them when they break down.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
At Leaf'd Box, we've leveraged a 5:1 match for our global WASH program. By donating $3.65, we're able to generate $18.25! That's enough to provide clean water for a family of five!
Because of this, your #EasiestGardenEver has five times the impact! Instead of your annual Leaf'd garden providing clean water to one, it's able to provide clean water to a family of five!
We're so proud to support a program like this! Thank you for your continued support in bringing hope and help to those most in need...
Together, we can help communities develop the perfect recipe for sustainable success.
We've started with water, but have our eyes set on expanding into economic development helping subsistence farmers learn how to grow out of poverty with many of the same skills you're developing here at Leaf'd Box. Check out some of the other amazing programs World Vision offers below!