Intro to Pruning

Leaf'd Box | July 1, 2020


Pruning your plants is a great way to have a healthier garden and a better harvest. Having an overgrown garden can attract diseases and ruin the performance of your plants. Here’s what you need to know about the basics of pruning so you that you can have a happy, thriving garden:

  • Why We Prune- The reason we prune plants is to optimize their performance. Plants like tomatoes grow a lot in the first month. With a lot of extra leaves it becomes harder for the plant to take in the sunlight, water and fertilizer.
  • How to Prune- To start, you want to trim the bottom leaves first get the low hanging leaves off the ground. As the plant keeps growing, you’ll continually maintain the bottom leaves and work your way to the middle of the plant, if needed. Always use sharp shears.
  • The End Result- When this process is done, your plants will have an increased flow of air and water to their roots. This, in turn, will help grow better produce and will also cut down on the amount of mold your plants will have, ensuring your plants have the best growing conditions possible to bring you a bountiful harvest!

Click HERE to Download a garden layout for your herb garden for layout examples.

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